JULY UPDATE: My 2024 work plate is gloriously and thankfully full for this year. I am now scheduling work beginning in Feb 2025. I have not yet discerned my focus for 2025 so for now it’s first come, first serve!


In 2024 my work will be focused in two areas.

(1) Liberation. This includes but is not limited to:

(2) Land justice and environmental justice. This includes (but is not limited to) work related to or support orgs that do:

My dream projects in 2024 are designing and facilitating multi-day staff retreats for BIPOC or BIPOC-led organizations with a focus on environmental justice.

It is possible I will take on work projects outside of these focus areas but it is my intention to say no to work beyond this focus so I can keep space open for things inside of it. But the bills must be paid so ¯\(ツ)

More detail about my coaching and facilitation.